A “PUNK KID” Needs advice

We’ve all had more questions than we’ve had answers lately. Uncertainty has plagued all of our lives, but it’s been especially tough for those who were already disaffected to begin with - punk kids.

One Punk Kid in particular (Alex Frecon) needed help. He needed answers.

So we did what any normal content agency would do - we bought a 1-800 number (1-888-IMAPUNK) made a commercial, and invited old people to call in and give a “punk kid” advice.

We ran the spot on local TV in Minneapolis, posted the ad on YouTube + Reddit and waited.

2,000 calls in 24 hours? OK.

The Reddit post  received 25,000 upvotes
The YouTube video got 250,000 views
The hotline received ~2,000 calls

All in the first 24 hours

(That’s 1.38 calls per minute. We did the math.)

As the dust settled, people kept asking:

"What kind of advice did you get?"

All of those questions are now answered….

some great advice

Calls came in (literally) from across the globe. To connect with so many complete strangers in such a positive, pleasant way was a once-in-a-lifetime  experience. Even in a time of seemingly endless division, thousands of people took time out of their day to dial a random number and just…talk.

“At the end of the day, there will always be room for conversation.

You just have to be willing to pick up the phone.”

ASK US IF we still have the hotline.



